Three more movie based online slots coming
August 13, 2015
Last week we did a piece on a new Fantastic Four slot machine coming out due to the release of a new film instalment. Today we will take a look at another three movie behemoths set for release before the end of the year that deserve having their own online video slot game and rightfully so.
The runaway movie so far this year is Jurassic World with a global take of over $1.5 Billion. However a Jurassic Park slot was released not too long ago and there are three films that we are sure to not only have the ability to overtake the box office take from Jurassic World but also make for mega entertaining online slots.
The first movie is Spectre, another addition to the legendary series about 007 super spy and his avid adventures that result in him saving the world. The trailer looks like it will be the best instalment yet and having Daniel Craig as your lead role doesn’t hurt either. Imagine an online slot based on Spectre where you have to save the world and win a jackpot in the process!
After that we move onto the finale of the Hunger Games. To be honest I am quite surprised there hasn’t been a video slot made based on this storyline already, the final movie titled The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 will hit theatres as always sometime in November and is sure to raise hell in ticket sales across the globe. A slot machine featuring Katniss Everdeen as a hero will surely be popular amongst many.
Last but not least is of course Star Wars: The Force Awakens. No need to write anything else here other than it’s a sure guarantee to not only gross over $2 Billion in box office sales but also a guaranteed video slot that will be launched soon and become one of the most appealing slots of all time.